In other words it means the similarity between economics and happiness
Have u ever asked your economics teacher why everybody can’t be rich? I asked! He answered simply, because not everybody puts in the same effort! I deduced that there’re 4 different types of people. The hardworking ones, the lazy ones, the lucky ones and the unlucky ones.
If you belong to the hardworking or the lucky category, probability is that you are safe. Keep all factors constant. Ceteris paribus, you might be financial sound or financially comfortable.
However, if you belong to the lazy and the unlucky ones, it does not take a genius to realize that you’re going to face with problems such as debts, unemployment or bankruptcy.
Therefore not everybody can be rich! Simple as ABC! I shall not going to the theory of communism (Theory of equality), meaning everybody can receive equal financial status).
Okay! Now I’m going into the theory of WHY not everybody can be happy? I asked my friend once. She said she do’t know! I remember what my economics teacher said and I deduced that simply, because not everybody puts in the same effort. Like wise, there’re 4 different types of people, the hardworking ones, the lazy ones, the lucky ones and the unlucky ones.
Allow me to explain. The hardworking ones are the optimistic type. Whatever shit happens, they forget about it the next day, find new goals and move on with life.
The lazy ones are the pessimistic type. They cry over day and night thinking nothings ever going to work out and everything’s in the world is turning against them.
The lucky ones are the lucky ones. Obviously they always have something to be happy about. Maybe, buy 4D strike 4D. Born bright! Play all night buy score As. Born good looking, the type that everyone wants to take a picture of suck up to you or be your friend. As for the last type, the unlucky ones, shit happens every time they try to move on. Some misunderstanding happens between friends, family or colleagues. Every time they want to move on, they will be pilled by troubles and problems awaiting for them to solve.
But at the end of the day, we all know that everybody wants to be rich and happy and it all depends on the effort we put in. We might not be lucky, but as long as we’re not lazy in this 2 aspects, we might be happy one fine day! Nobody has the obligation to make us happy or rich. We have to find the reason of living the lifestyle we want to lead or what exactly drives us or make us happy. I thought of 5 rules of happiness
Happiness has an expiry date
When it expired, renewed it
It might be lost
When you lost it, find it back
We have to work for it
Hardworking but no luck
(Keep going. Every dog will have their day when the luck struck)
Hardworking & Lucky
(You have the whole world with you. Keep it up)
Lazy & Unlucky
(The world does not need you neither do you need the world. Do not know why you still exist)
Lazy but Lucky
(Count your lucky star. Pray hard every day, every hour, every minute and every second before it disappeared)
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