Over time, as we become more liberal, modernized in our thinking, the perception of abstinence depreciates. We no longer marry the first woman we meet, or rather preserve chastity. Abstinence is no longer the norm in today’s society. No longer have people treated abstinence as a form of fixed deposit. “The longer the fund takes to mature, the greater the value” More likely, the trend now is early gratification. “Use it while stock last” Nevertheless, this is only a generalization. Of course there are other factors such as religion, hormones index to curb or gauge our sex drive for the latter, thus
I classify abstinence into 4 major categories.
Early Gratification | Kiasu Syndrome |
Ten Commandments | Fixed Deposit |
Though there is no absolute solution on how we should gauge abstinence, perhaps the pros and cons of abstinence would aid in our decision.
We have the perception that we should preserve chastity for the one we marry because it is something very special and personal. You will only share it with the person whom you will spend the rest of your life with. (Fixed Deposit)
Sex is something sacred and is created by God for couple to enjoy themselves. Under no circumstances should one commit adultery and will only share it with your spouse. (Ten Commandments)
Sex is an expression and there is nothing wrong engaging in it before marriage. After all, if we wait till we were married, our stock would have expired. (Early gratification)
Since everyone is doing it, there should not be any problem engaging in it. I had better be part of the trend in case others might think that I am weird. (Kiasu Syndrome)
If you have ever spoken to a financial adviser or a insurance agent, he or she would have told you that all investments plans are different as individuals risk appetite is different and likewise, the higher the risk the higher the return. So how do we apply these into the 4 broad categories?
Fixed deposit (Low risk, Low return)
The benefit of preserving chastity is that you are less likely to get cheated because at least you get to preserve your chastity till you recite your oath. Your other half is willing to wait and is understanding of your needs. You do not lose anything besides a few boxes of tissue if nothing works out at the end of the day.
The flaw is this certain portfolio is that what if sex is nothing like what you perceive. For instance, its nothing like what we see on our 17inch screen. Perhaps it’s true that you get free sex after you get married, but it comes with an intangible price tag which might be costly for many.
Sex is over-rated in this sense because something valued so highly might be disillusioned at the end of the day. In layman terms, it is not worth entrusting something so significant (marriage, a lifetime) on something so insignificant (*sex, it only last a couple of minutes if you think about it)
Early gratification (high risk, high return)
The disadvantage of early gratification is that the risk of getting cheated is tremendously high (as high as tech stocks) Most of the time you cannot tell if one feeling is true and you have no ideal if there is any catch so as to trick you into bed. You might invest a lot into it but ended up with nothing (besides the presents he bought before)
However, this has the highest return because even if chastity is lost before you recite your oath. It will be a different ball game once you signed on the dotted line. Sex is no longer a determinant for marriage and it would probably be for a significant purpose. In layman terms, if one can score (get laid) why go into marriage? It has to be more than just scoring.
Kiasu syndrome (high risk, low return)
As the saying goes, curiosity kills the cat. It is imperative to make a clear assessment before making the plunge. What might be suitable for me might not be suitable for you. It would be disastrous if nothing is done to prevent the calamity.
Ten Commandments (low risk, high return)
As mentioned above, it is pleasant to find one who practices this in today’s society. It is rare to find one who abides to these rules. However, the only flaw in this is that the couple must think in the same frequency, otherwise sustainability is not easy. I believe these people will be blessed indefinitely. Imagine 2 people believing in the same cause and time is the best determinant. Perfect!
So which category do you fall under?
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