Nobody in this world is obliged to make you happy; it’s an individual’s responsibility
I remembered reading an article on Reverse Psychology. After digesting the contents, another connotation occurs to me. I define Reverse Psychology as “The Art of bluffing oneself” (AOBO).
Studies have shown that the distinction between optimistic and pessimistic people is their ability in applying the (AOBO) technique. Another study has also shown that the distinction between successful people and underachievers is also with regards to their ability in applying the (AOBO) technique. And if you are curious on whether this (AOBO) technique differentiates introverts and extroverts, the answer is apparent.
Shit happens all the time, which is why it is important to look at things at a different perspective so as to make one feel better. The following article will touch on different issues in our daily lives and examples will be cited to explain how this (AOBO) technique is applied.
First I will touch on Skepticism of National Service. Certainly it is a universal sentiment that National Service is a waste of time, which is why many chose to avoid it or choose a vocation that is more smooth sailing during their 2 years of National Service. The motive behind this move is firstly because of opportunity cost. Men lose out 2 years to their female counterpart who does not have to serve National service. The latter can proceed with their studies or work and advance 2 years ahead of their male counterpart which some perceive it as unfair. Secondly, many have heard stories on how tough life would be if you enter certain vocation as they have stereo-typed unit life as an unpleasant experience.
Nevertheless, no matter how much we dislike the mud and dirt or the weekends spent protecting national interests, we have to serve the National due to apparent reasons. I will not touch on why we have to do National Service because it is perceptible but how do we apply the (AOBO) technique to improve our lives during that 2 years.
For those who have been through BMT outfield would know how tough it was. Countless of mosquitoes bite, sleeping on muddy fields, surviving on combat ration which result in shit that is hard as rock(You have to shake your ass before your shit drops) and the lists goes on. I remember going home for dinner after my first outfield experience. On the dinner table lay dishes with smoke hovering above it which for a moment seemed alien to be, probably because I was feeding on cold dishes for the past 7 days. When I drank my first scoop of soup, I can savor not only the taste but the warmth of family. My point is that despite going through shit for the past 7 days, it was this shitty period that one appreciates home cooked food. Ever since, I make it a point to consume home cooked food as often as I can.
For those “privileged” who went through Sispec or OCS would experience a period of time when time when book out is as precious as gold. Some would experience in camp training up to 2 weeks and overseas training up to 3 weeks. After experiencing isolation from “civilization” and breaking free from regiment, I can’t help but feeling ecstatic even if it was a short trip to the convenience store or a walk to the coffee shop to buy some of my favorite makan. My point is that one becomes more appreciate of the simple things in life after National service.
How about those who have to do Guard duty on weekends which you have to forego time spent with your love ones. Well, there are 2 approaches to this. Firstly, for people who enjoy clubbing during weekends, you can bring forward money saved during the week you are doing guard duty to the next week. This meant that you have enough money to drown yourself with whatever alcohol you can get your hands on. Secondly, for money savvy people, confinement to camp on weekends means an extra digit in your bank account.
For those who have been through training in vigorous terrain in
, you can now survive in any jungle with a box of matchstick, map, compass and a jackknife. Sounds intriguing, but it’s a reality!
There are also abundant of resources to be tapped on during National Service. People come from different walks of lives with experience and expertise to share. This is especially so when you are enlisted into MONO intakes. I define MONO intake as the cultural exchange between the “street smarts” and the “book smarts”. You will be amazed to see how the “street smarts” performance outshines the “book smarts” in certain aspects. In the midst of these soldiers lie talents waiting to be revealed. The street smarts (SS) can also make use of these “book smarts”(BS) to improve areas they are weak at such as language or areas that requires more academic expertise. For instance let say one day Ah Beng decides to retake his N Levels so that he can advance to ITE, he can make use of the free time to consult Steward who’s an A level student. This is highly possible because despite coming from different academic backgrounds, they might be (SU*
*K) buddies in the army.
From the military knowledge that you gained from training would tell you that what you experience on screen (movies) is a far cry from reality. Shooting with 2 GPMGS (General Purpose Machine Guns), grenades sling on bodies is definitely not possible. With all that knowledge at the tips of your finger, definitely comes with an extra point from your prospective father in law.
Please do not get me wrong, I’m not implying that soldiers who go through a more vigorous path would be more successful in life because many soldiers who went through the service vocation continue to be very successful in life, therefore there is no correlation between success and vocations. In fact ironically speaking, people who got enlisted into the combat vocation is envious of people in the service vocation. Well, since our fate is sealed, I think its important to constantly use the (AOBO) technique to make our lives better, since we have to serve the 2 years anyway.
I have a army buddy that once said this to me “You have been consuming shit too long that you are contented when people offer you urine” I think he’s right =)
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